We’re happy to let you know that Volume 2 is finally out! While Volume 1 asked what Mutual Aid is and examined the history of the present wave of mutual aid groups, Volume 2 (“Friends, Foes, and Wolves in Sheeps Clothing) examines the various pillars of present society, from politicians and police to churches and chambers of commerce. How do we navigate or subvert these overlapping networks as we strive for new forms of living? Continue reading “Notes on Mutual Aid Volume 2 Released!!”
Regional Call Out for March 15th International Day Against Police
Manuel Ellis
Timothy Green
Charleena Lyles
Korryn Gaines
Breonna Taylor
George Floyd
Michael Brown
Oscar Grant
And On, and on, and on.
We haven’t forgotten, nor do we forgive.
Justice is a dead word forced down our throats at gun point.
Vengeance is truly of our own making.
We are calling for anarchists throughout the PNW to organize around the upcoming March 15th International Day Against Police – a day which hasn’t seen much if any celebration inside the US but is marked every year just to our north. Continue reading “Regional Call Out for March 15th International Day Against Police”
Call for submissions to Rose City Radical issue #6
For our 6th issue, “Solidarity Across Borders,” we are looking for pieces that address international solidarity from a local lens. From struggles at the U.S. border to struggles in Palestine, the place we know as “Portland” is not in a vacuum. Local places are shaped through global connections, just as we can’t ignore the effects that local action, or lack thereof, has abroad. Continue reading “Call for submissions to Rose City Radical issue #6”
Machines burned at Urban Alchemy construction site in north Portland
We burned bulldozers and excavators being used to build another Urban Alchemy site in North Portland, where homeless Portlanders will be sent to live behind chainlink fencing and barbed wire under threat of violence and sweeps. Continue reading “Machines burned at Urban Alchemy construction site in north Portland”
Anarchists claim responsibility for torching local politician’s car
On the first new moon of 2024, some anarchists torched a car in front of portland city commissioner rene gonzalez’s house. This was accomplished with a fire starter, which can be found in the outdoors section of any big box store.
Continue reading “Anarchists claim responsibility for torching local politician’s car”
Christmas Is Cancelled Due To Genocide
Anarchists and their friends responded to the call by Palestinians to not stay silent about the ongoing genocide in Gaza by disrupting the obscene spectacle that is Peacock Lane in so-called Portland, OR on Friday, 12/22. For the unfamiliar, Peacock Lane is a single street in an upscale neighborhood where neighbors have been coercing each other into setting up half-hearted holiday displays for decades for the enjoyment of yuppies, many of whom travel in from the suburbs. Continue reading “Christmas Is Cancelled Due To Genocide”
Claim of responsibility for arson at Mercedes-Benz of Portland
Continue reading “Claim of responsibility for arson at Mercedes-Benz of Portland”
We smashed up 2 ATMs and the service window of the US Bank in the sellwood neighborhood of Portland Oregon.
submitted anonymously
Please Log Off – a reflection
It’s hopelessly incompetent that this arguing is happening in public channels y’all. But here we are. Nothing is real to this kind of activist unless they can get engagement on twitter. A space for local anarchists to hang out, eat, and exchange ideas is clearly secondary when a single zine and some opinions held by its organizers apparently! threatens their whole existence. You thought you were providing community but these smart cookies were there to let you know that you’re actually doing genocide. Friends, the people who engage in pouring SHIT in an area CHILDREN play in aren’t the type to be grounded in perspective or taken at face value. And doing this because some people weren’t wearing a mask at an outdoor fair and comparing their behavior to rape apologia is wild. It’s offensive. It doesn’t matter how many loaded terms you tack onto whatever the hell this was supposed to be, the call is literally coming from inside the house. Continue reading “Please Log Off – a reflection”
Newly formatted zines
Just wanted to share some newly formatted content related to the ongoing genocide in Gaza and anarchist responses to it. We didn’t write the content, but we formatted it for print so that it can be more easily shared.
submitted anonymously