Anarchist Resources on Accountability and Consent

Radical resources about sexual assault, accountability, trauma, consent, intoxication culture and assault, relationships, and kink Zines are listed by general topic, largely in that order, after books and pamphlets. Obviously, these topics all overlap, so zines were sorted according to what seemed the most helpful way to categorize them; every resource speaks in some way …

Attack on Portland Police vehicles during simultaneous protest

submitted anonymously Late April 12th, while the pigs were busy attempting to control a rowdy demo at the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, the opportunity was seized to attack. The chainlink fence surrounding the parking lot of the Portland Police Bureau’s traffic offices in St John’s was cut through. Tires were slashed and windows were broken …

May Day is Our Day: A Decentralized Callout

A year ago, when the Covid-19 pandemic first made itself felt, some anarchists on occupied Duwamish Territory (Seattle) put out calls for decentralized actions on May 1st, the fighting holiday of the working classes. We return to that idea with new perspectives and experiences. Taking up the call: “This May Day we invite organizations, crews, …

Life and Death of an Anti-fascist

Originally from The Intercept See also: Armeanio lives! Citywide Attack in Memory of Sean Kealiher On the day of President Joe Biden’s inauguration, dozens of protesters in Portland, Oregon, marched to the state Democratic Party’s headquarters, carrying signs against police and the incoming administration. “We don’t want Biden, we want revenge,” one of them read, …

Zine: “Sabotage of ATMs, fare machines and parking meters”

“This zine was put together to share some stories of simple sabotage that have been both inspiring and helpful, and give some detailed (but never complete) notes on a fun, easy and effective way to fuck shit up. The stories are shared in chronological order, because we loved seeing how, when viewed together, reports from …

 PPA Headquarters Unchanged Despite Rumors​​​​​​​

submitted anonymously With extensive review, it appears that the Portland Police Association (PPA) is still using their office at 1868 N Lombard St. This is a collection of intelligence gathered primarily by crows local to the Portland area, though some various other critters may have also been involved. Local crows have seen Brian Hunzeker’s truck, a …