April 29th: Reflections on the beginning of the Portland State University library occupation

The spirit of the Intifada swarmed through the Portland State University (PSU) library as a whirlwind. Computers, printers, and televisions made with Coltan, a mineral extracted via slave labor in the Congo, had been smashed throughout the first floor. Commodified food and drinks were transformed into becoming free stuff that anyone can take to consume without paying any money. Cameras got smashed and the first floor changed from a surveilled stuffy work site into being a community social center decorated with beautiful political art on the walls. The gusts of this Intifada disrupted space and time totally, as anarchy revealed itself for the liberating force it is against oppression by attacking the present state of things.

Continue reading “April 29th: Reflections on the beginning of the Portland State University library occupation”

Machines burned at highway construction site in NW Portland

On Tuesday morning I burned three large machines at an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) construction site in Portland. They were destroying the forest hillside on the south side of the st. johns bridge to protect highway infrastructure.

ODOT construction sites, and highway construction in general, often leave expensive (and highly flammable!) specialized equipment unattended and unsecured overnight, making them easy targets. ODOT is planning major highway expansion in the Portland area over the next few years, despite long campaigns by Youth vs ODOT and other environmentalist groups. Acting through the political system is a futile and insufficient response to the current crisis, as capitalism must continue its endless growth no matter how bad things get. The highway system can only expand if we allow it to. With some creativity, courage, and determination, capital is far more vulnerable than it would have you believe.

I used plastic 1 gallon milk jugs filled with gasoline. A flare attached to the side of the container (so that it sticks out past it) makes for a convenient delay, burning down for 5-10 minutes before the flame reaches the plastic and ignites the gasoline, leaving plenty of time to get away before the fire starts. You can steal flares from most large hardware stores and car supply stores. I placed each milk jug underneath the engines of the machinery, where the heat would rise to the most flammable and critical components.

It was easy, fun, and I think I’ll do it again. You should too!


submitted anonymously

Butcher shop sabotaged

Last night we cut off the tiny padlock to the breaker box of a butcher shop “pasture pdx” and shut off their power to make the flesh they butchered unsellable. we also sealed the lock on the door with spray foam insulation. We also shut power to two adjacent stores because it was fun. These things are easily reproduceable and we encourage anarchists to think outside of the box. you can do other things then smash windows.

we dedicate this act to Jack, the Susaron 4 comrades in chile, and all antispeciesists who have been put in cages.

for total freedom!

-some anarchists

submitted anonymously

Notes on Mutual Aid Volume 2 Released!!

We’re happy to let you know that Volume 2 is finally out! While Volume 1 asked what Mutual Aid is and examined the history of the present wave of mutual aid groups, Volume 2 (“Friends, Foes, and Wolves in Sheeps Clothing) examines the various pillars of present society, from politicians and police to churches and chambers of commerce. How do we navigate or subvert these overlapping networks as we strive for new forms of living? Continue reading “Notes on Mutual Aid Volume 2 Released!!”

Regional Call Out for March 15th International Day Against Police

Manuel Ellis
Timothy Green
Charleena Lyles
Korryn Gaines
Breonna Taylor
George Floyd
Michael Brown
Oscar Grant
And On, and on, and on.

We haven’t forgotten, nor do we forgive.
Justice is a dead word forced down our throats at gun point.
Vengeance is truly of our own making.

We are calling for anarchists throughout the PNW to organize around the upcoming March 15th International Day Against Police – a day which hasn’t seen much if any celebration inside the US but is marked every year just to our north. Continue reading “Regional Call Out for March 15th International Day Against Police”

Call for submissions to Rose City Radical issue #6

For our 6th issue, “Solidarity Across Borders,” we are looking for pieces that address international solidarity from a local lens. From struggles at the U.S. border to struggles in Palestine, the place we know as “Portland” is not in a vacuum. Local places are shaped through global connections, just as we can’t ignore the effects that local action, or lack thereof, has abroad. Continue reading “Call for submissions to Rose City Radical issue #6”

Christmas Is Cancelled Due To Genocide

Banner drop reading "Christmas is cancelled due to genocide"

Anarchists and their friends responded to the call by Palestinians to not stay silent about the ongoing genocide in Gaza by disrupting the obscene spectacle that is Peacock Lane in so-called Portland, OR on Friday, 12/22. For the unfamiliar, Peacock Lane is a single street in an upscale neighborhood where neighbors have been coercing each other into setting up half-hearted holiday displays for decades for the enjoyment of yuppies, many of whom travel in from the suburbs. Continue reading “Christmas Is Cancelled Due To Genocide”